Two New U.S. States – Jefferson & Greater Idaho
“For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind.”
– Hosea chapter 8 verse 7, Old Testament
In June 2020, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill in favor of statehood for the District of Columbia. In response, a columnist for CNN at the time, Nicole Hemmer, wrote “should Joe Biden win the presidency and bring with him majorities in the House and Senate, he should make statehood for DC — and for Puerto Rico — a priority for his first 100 days in office.” Also in June, The New Republic published an opinion column stating “D.C. Statehood Is a Test of Biden’s Political Courage.”
The supposed moral rationale for adding two states to the Union has always been based on “providing representation” to these American citizens. But Puerto Rico ought to become an independent nation, and perhaps the outer portions of Washington DC can be trimmed, with the trimmings absorbed into Maryland and Virginia. And “representation” isn’t the real reason Democrats want to turn Puerto Rico and Washington DC into states, anyway. They want more Democratic senators, and they want more Democratic congressmen.
Now that President Trump is going to attempt to fill a vacancy on the U.S. Supreme Court, supposedly defying precedent because it is so late in his first term, Democrats in the U.S. Congress are claiming “all bets are off.” Among other things – like packing the U.S. Supreme Court – if Democrats gain control of the White House and the U.S. Senate, they’re threatening to turn Puerto Rico and Washington DC into the 51st and 52nd states.
Bring it on.
When it comes to being governed without having a voice, there are plenty of acute cases across America. As any votes-by-county map of the United States that tracks the last several presidential elections will attest, a handful of large cities control the fate of several state legislatures and, all too often, the U.S. presidency.
These cities are ran by public sector unions, leftist billionaires, extremist environmentalists, and – if they behave – multinational corporations. They have concocted an agenda relying on racial tension and resentment, along with environmental fear-mongering, to con overwhelming majorities of their brainwashed urban populations into voting Democrat, year after year after year.
The Great State of Jefferson
Two examples of unrepresented populations in America are in rural California, which is controlled by voters in Los Angeles and the San Francisco Bay Area, and rural Oregon, which is controlled by voters in Portland. In the rural heartland of these states, thanks to the laws passed down by urban voters that outnumber them, productive, beleaguered residents struggle to survive.
They face punitive taxes to support the urban poor, who are themselves victims of utterly corrupt “programs” designed to help but actually only pour money into the hands of bureaucrats and cronies. They face an impossible array of environmental regulations that have made them unable to productively earn a living on their own land. And more recently, they’ve seen thousands of square miles incinerated thanks to years of state harassment that made it impossible for them to thin their forests.
There is a solution to this oppression. Form new states. This is what a growing majority of citizens in rural counties across America are concluding may become necessary, and in California and Oregon, considerable progress has already been made. The state of Jefferson is rural California’s answer to oppression from the state legislature.
The proponents of the State of Jefferson have produced a map slightly different from this one; their latest does not include the counties of Humboldt or Del Norte. Nonetheless, as momentum grows for secession, there’s a good chance the freedom loving free spirits of California’s far northwestern counties will embrace the opportunity. The other 22 counties shown on this map appear on the State of Jefferson movement’s website as being “counties with declarations.”
It isn’t clear to what extent local politicians have formally backed the State of Jefferson movement. In 2013, the Siskiyou County board of supervisors voted to withdraw from California. In 2016, the Nevada County board of supervisors asserted that they had not voted to become part of a new state. One thing is certain: if you drive the highways and back roads in these counties, “State of Jefferson” signs are everywhere.
The State of Greater Idaho
And then there’s the State of Greater Idaho. This movement, based primarily in Eastern Oregon, is motivated by the same grievances that animate California’s secessionists. In this case, the area in and around Portland, where nearly half of Oregon residents live, elects the representatives that control the state legislature, and it makes their lives miserable.
While the “Greater Idaho” movement today wishes to become absorbed by the State of Idaho, should Puerto Rico and Washington DC become states, they will attract more support from across the United States if they decide to form their own new state. And why not? With over 1.0 million people and sprawling over 78,000 square miles, they’ve got a population larger than six states, and they’re virtually tied with two more – Montana and Rhode Island.
Although it only includes portions of Oregon, for the sake of recognition, “Greater Idaho” is the name showing on the hypothetical map above. Even if the breakaway state only incorporates portions of Oregon, “Greater Idaho” is still a good name. The regions would have a lot in common culturally and politically. But other names can apply. “Cascadia” has been proposed as the name of a new state to be carved out of Oregon, although that movement appears have a diverse assortment of proponents, with widely differing objectives. For example, some supporters of Cascadia want to become a new independent nation, with Oregon and Washington seceding from the U.S. and merging with British Columbia which would secede from Canada.
The Political Viability of Breakaway States
Proposals to add two new states with conservative rural populations will attract substantial new support in the event of a Biden victory combined with a Democratic takeover of the U.S. Senate. There would be an explosion of new support even in the absence of statehood for Washington DC and Puerto Rico, because if Democrats acquire total control of the federal government, the oppression rural residents are feeling in blue California and blue Oregon are going to be felt all over America. Movements by rural areas to secede will become popular from Southern Illinois to the back country of Minnesota.
As rural residents in states dominated by urban Democrats begin to visualize what life would be like if they could govern themselves, the populist momentum could become uncontainable.
Imagine living in a forest community, where if you haven’t been ran off your land just yet, you’re all just waiting to burn to death because you can’t afford to hire “permit application facilitators” and other assorted high-priced experts, along with litigators and lobbyists, in hopes that you will get a forest thinning permit from a faceless, indifferent, multi-headed, implacable bureaucracy, that is staffed with malevolent fanatics and insatiable leeches, who work 3.5 days a week, live in virtuous condos in carbon-sipping virtuous cities, and have been taught their entire lives that YOU are the problem.
Imagine instead that you just round up some crews in trucks with chain saws, and, for example, clear the fire roads. You all just go do it. Instead of spending millions and waiting decades, you send a few men into the hills and the job is finished in a couple of weeks. Without any fuss. Then you cut firebreaks. Then you send in revitalized timber companies to thin the forests, and open a new mill.
That’s how things used to get done in America. Apply that example to everything. Farming. Logging. Ranching. Mining. Construction. Water and power infrastructure. Hospitals. Universities. Schools. Police. Crime and punishment. Government. As described, it’s all messed up today. But it doesn’t have to be.
Up until about thirty years ago, common sense and honest work mattered. Results mattered more than process. Actions mattered more than words. Things got done, they were affordable, and they didn’t take forever. But then the Democratic Party began its final, ignominious slide into what it is today, a festering parasite eating away the heart and soul of America.
The Democratic party is now wholly taken over by thugs, crooks, idiots, cranks, haters, racist anti-racists, sexist anti-sexists, “gender” obsessed whackos, government unions with their insatiable need for more tax revenue, “green” fanatics and their crony “green entrepreneurs” slobbering over public subsidies and captive markets, homeless advocates and the depraved “nonprofit” “supportive housing” developers raking in billions from the taxpaying suckers and solving nothing, communists, globalist billionaires, whores for foreign money, and seditious traitors.
Go ahead. Turn Puerto Rico into a state. Turn Washington DC into a state. Sow the wind. Reap the whirlwind.
This article originally appeared on the website American Greatness.
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Edward Ring is a contributing editor and senior fellow with the California Policy Center, which he co-founded in 2013 and served as its first president. He is also a senior fellow with the Center for American Greatness, and a regular contributor to the California Globe. His work has appeared in the Los Angeles Times, the Wall Street Journal, the Economist, Forbes, and other media outlets.
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